KYC & Enhanced Due Diligence in United Kingdom — Proximal Consulting

Enhanced Due Diligence Reports / Detailed KYC Background Checks in United Kingdom 

Since 1999, we have been providing our clients with high quality and cost effective enhanced due diligence reports (also known as background reports or background checks) on companies and individuals in the United Kingdom. We have long-term, extensive experience of providing these types of reports in a country which has its capital labelled as the top financial centre of the world. 

If you are considering entering into a professional relationship with a company or individual, it is imperative to carry out an enhanced due diligence investigation. 

A Proximal Consulting enhanced due diligence report will confirm whether a customer or partner (prospective or existing) is providing you with complete and accurate information.  Our detailed research will identify and uncover any existence of criminal activity such as corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing or fraud. 

Combining the use of extensive and proven investigative tools, together with reliable associates providing intelligence, we can determine the legitimacy of an individual or legal entity in the United Kingdom. 

In terms of our investigations, we seek to confirm the following information during the course of our enquiries:

  • Confirmation of identity

  • Current and/or previous residential addresses

  • Past and/or present passports issued to the subject of our report

  • Information regarding the subject’s family members and civil status

  • The subject’s career history and professional background, including corporate positions and shareholdings

  • Any real estate and vehicles owned by the subject

  • Any negative or detrimental material regarding the subject and the subject’s business interests

  • Whether the subject should be viewed as a PEP (politically exposed person) and/or a close family member or associate of a PEP

  • Any links between the subject and organised crime, money laundering, corruption, business crime and/or any other type of criminal activity

  • Sanctions risks

Client confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us, and all of our enhanced due diligence checks in the United Kingdom are conducted in a totally discreet manner.

Our enhanced due diligence reports on UK individuals and corporate entities will not only ensure that the legal and regulatory obligations of our clients have been met, but they are also designed to safeguard our clients from any financial, legal, operational or reputational risks.

Our resources section features client case examplesfrequently asked questions and fact sheets of key AML topics alongside our archived white paper collection.